If you would like to be assigned to any league or tournament game that is affiliated with USSF, Cal South or US Club Soccer then you need to become certified. Click this link to go to the certification process. Grade 8 is the starting level for club soccer games. Grade 9 will not work for the games we assign since it is a recreation badge.
If you would like to be assigned to any USSF, Cal South or US Club Soccer game here is what you need to do in order to officiate:
Be current with your dues and game fees
Become Certified. If you name is on the official list than you are certified. You can check that here
Contact the organization by filling this online form out and sent it. You will be contacted within 48 hours.
All of the assignments go through ArbiterSports. We will need to add you to our system and send an invite.
All of these games are affiliated and require a minimum of a Grade 8 certification.